6 Things You Need To Know About Oral Lichen Planus

Oral lichen planus is an autoimmune disease that makes your immune system attack the soft tissues inside your mouth, leaving them swollen and irritated. It usually affects the insides of your cheeks, your tongue, or your gums, but it can also affect other areas like the roof of your mouth. Here's what you need to know about this potentially serious oral health problem.  What causes it? Researchers still aren't sure what makes your immune system turn against the tissues inside your mouth. [Read More]

3 Common Reasons For A Fear Of Anesthetic And How To Control Them

Many people are apprehensive about visiting the dentist. While most fears are general fears of having work carried out, some people suffer from more specific fears that arise due to a bad experience or misunderstanding of the procedures involved. One of the most common fears is a fear of local anesthetic which causes you to "go numb". Below are three root causes of this fear and how to get over it: [Read More]

Cut Back Or Combat? Understanding Your Oral Relationship With Sugar

Most people recognize that sugar is bad for many aspects of their health, especially their teeth. Unfortunately, many people do not fully understand the relationship between sugar and tooth decay. Furthermore, current research and dental trends focus on reducing the effects of sugar rather than adopting a holistic approach that eliminates sugar from the diet. Below are the things you need to understand about sugar and your oral health.  What Does Sugar Do to Your Teeth? [Read More]

How To Reduce TMJ Pain During Dental Visits

If you have temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ, then your jaw and facial muscles are likely quite sensitive and painful. Your jaw also may pop and feel tight. Arthritis, stress, tooth grinding, and jaw injury can all cause the condition, and you may find it difficult to keep your mouth open for an extended period of time. This can make regular dental visits both difficult and painful. Unfortunately, skipped dental visits can lead to a build up of tartar on the teeth and the formation of cavities. [Read More]